Andrew Martin studied Biochemistry at the University of Oxford where he stayed for his D.Phil. After working at the National Institute for Medical Research in London and a few years as a self-employed scientific software developer, he joined the group of Professor Dame Janet Thornton, FRS at University College London. He moved from there to Inpharmatica, a UCL spin-out company, and then to the University of Reading as a Lecturer in Bioinformatics. He returned to UCL in 2004 where he is now a Professor ot Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. His research focuses on two main areas: the sequence and structure of antibodies and the effects of mutations on protein structure and function. He has published over 80 papers and reviews, six book chapters and a co-authored book on moonlighting proteins. As well as widely used web-based software, he has developed software that has been downloaded over 8,000 times. He has consulted for a number of companies and acted as an expert witness in several patent disputes related both to antibodies and to general bioinformatics. He is also an advisor to the WHO International Nonproprietary Names (INN) committee on the naming and annotation of antibody-based drugs.
abYinformatics provides bioinformatics consulting and expert witness work. As well as general bioinformatics, we specialize in the sequence and structure of antibodies.
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